Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ThriftScore: Skirt!

This particular ThriftScore was a milestone for me. The purple H&M skirt cost $1 at my local Out of the Closet. Upon getting it home, I realized it was a size or two too big, and not quite flattering (if you consider wearing big purple barrels unflattering, as I do). It sat in my closet, and occasionally came out, only to be returned moments later after a look in the mirror.

For Christmas I got a sewing machine, and made a stab at taking in the sides of the skirt. I know I didn't do it exactly the right way -- it's a little clumsy if you look closely -- but I did manage after a few passes to get the line right.

One of my normal rules for ThriftScoring is not to buy anything you have to do anything to -- after all, what's your time worth on a $3.99 pair of pants or whatever? But in this case it was a way to practice my sewing, and also to turn something I would end up returning to the cycle into one of my favorite pieces of clothing.

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