Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pretty and Easy Chair Revamp

See what Blue Cricket Design did with a ThriftScore chair!

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Hot Junk

My great friend Natalie works for Coldwell Banker, which has a lovely charity. Her office held its annual auction not long ago. Sadly, for the charity, it wasn't too well attended, but happily for me I snagged a bunch of great deals.

One table had offerings of jewelry collections -- you could bid on groupings of seven or eight pieces. It wasn't fine jewelry, and some of the pieces I just sent straight back to Goodwill. But a few pieces I loved -- and won for my solo $10 bid -- like this Indian silver necklace. There was also a gold bracelet with tiny turquoise beads.

Love this ThriftScore!

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

NYT Crowdsources ThriftScoring

Amanda turned me on to this NYT crowdsourcing feature on ThriftScoring! Great idea. And hey, don't forget to send me your thrift scores for this blog!

Thanks, A!

Vintage Finds From Around the World

A recent article, Prospecting in Manhattan’s Richest Vintage Veins by Sarah Maslin Nir, and a related slide show featured some of the best vintage and thrift stores in New York City, and what could be found there. Readers uploaded photos of their favorite vintage clothing and accessories, shared why they love these items so much and what they paid for them. >>> READ MORE

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